10-Minute Beginner Glute Workout
|Adding a few minutes to your exercise routine won’t take much of your time, but if you are consistent, it can provide you with amazing results.
Furthermore, you don’t have to visit the gym as you can do the exercises in the comfort of your home. They don’t require any fancy equipment, all you need is a will to exercise and make changes. Who knew those outdated encyclopedias could help you get the best butt of your life?
What to Do: Cycle through these exercises, performing each for 60 seconds with no break in between. Rest for 30-90 seconds before repeating.
Beginner: 1 cycle
Intermediate: 3 cycles
Advanced: 5 cycles
Move up a level whenever you no longer feel the workout is challenging. Below are videos showing how to perform each exercise. Using proper form prevents injuries and ensures that you get the most out of your workout.
Jump Squats

- Start standing with your feet together, arms bent, and hands clasped behind your head.
- Jump your feet out and when you land, immediately crouch down, keeping your arms where they are.
- Extend your legs and jump your feet back to the starting position, immediately jumping back out.
- Complete 3 sets of 12 repetitions.
Reverse lunges

- Stand with your hands on your hips or with your hands behind your head.
- Step back with your right leg and squat down until your knee almost touches the ground.
- Return to the starting position.
- Do 10 reps, then switch sides.

- Stand with your feet a little more than shoulder-width apart and your chest lifted.
- Extend your hands out in front of you to help maintain your balance.
- She starts by sitting down and then getting up as if you were sitting on an imaginary chair. Keep your face and head facing forward.
- Lower your body down so that your thighs are parallel to the ground. Put all your weight on your heels. Keep your body tight and push your body up through your heels to return to the starting position.
- Do 12 repetitions.
Bowing lunges

- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms by your sides.
- Putting your weight on your right foot, step back and turn with your left foot – almost as if you’re bowing – allowing your arms to come out in front of you in a comfortable position. Make sure your chest stays straight.
- Begin to straighten your right leg, pushing up through your heel and returning your left foot to the starting position.
- Do 10 repetitions on each side.
Side leg raise

- Lie on your right side on an exercise or yoga mat. Make sure your head is supported by your hand.
- Lift your left leg up as far as you can, keeping your leg straight. Hold it for 1 second at the top.
- Slowly lower your leg.
- Do this 15 times and then switch sides.
Sumo Squats

- Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart and turn your feet out.
- Keeping your hands together in front of your chest, push your hips down and back into a squat.
- The weight should be on the heels and the toes should be able to move freely. Make sure to keep your chest up and your back straight.
- Return to standing position and repeat.
- Do 10 repetitions.
Donkey kicks

- Start on all fours on a yoga mat. Make sure your knees are below your hips and your hands are below your shoulders. Bring your spine into a neutral position and draw your shoulder blades down and back.
- Inhale.
- Exhale. Keeping your knee bent, release and raise your right leg until your thigh is in line with your spine, making sure your foot remains flexed.
- Inhale. Lower your right leg to return to the starting position, but without resting your knee on the mat.
- Complete 10 reps on the same side, before repeating the remaining reps on the other side.
Glute Bridge

- Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
- Lift your hips off the ground so your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.
- Pause when you’re in that position, then slowly lower your body back to the ground.
- Do 2 sets of 12 seconds.
Side lunges

- Stand with your feet and knees together.
- If it’s comfortable for you, hold a pair of dumbbells.
- Take a big step with your right foot to the right side.
- Slowly lunge toward the ground, extending your right knee past your toes and keeping your left leg relatively straight.
- Now push off with your right foot to return to a standing position.
- Repeat the same process with the other side.
- Complete 3 sets of 12 repetitions.