10-Minute Fat-Burning Workout That Can be Done at Home
|These quick interval exercises target the upper legs from every angle while at the same time lifting and naturally toning and tightening your butt.
How it works:
- Need to exercise three to four days a week.
- After a 10-minute dynamic warm-up, sprint for 30 seconds using any cardio machine or a jump rope.
- Afterwards, start with the first exercise and continue alternating between sprinting and the exercises in order.
- When you finsih the circuit, rest for 30 minutes.
- Do 4 circuits total.
Total Time: up to 30 minutes
Equipment needed: Jump rope, Mat, Pilates ring, resistance band.
1. Clamshell

- To do this exercise you need to do it on a mat or a comfortable surface, as you lie on your left side, and then to place your left hand behind your head and your right hand across from your body.
- Next, you need to bend both of your knees so that your feet are behind your body and then begin the movement by lifting the left knee up while keeping your feet clasped together.
- Then you need to take a pause at the top of the movement and slowly start lowering your left knee down to the original position and do this on the right side as well.
Sets: 4
Reps: 20 per side
2. Leg Lift

- Get down on all fours and position your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
- Place the resistance band around legs just above knees.
- Then kick back with one leg and squeeze the glutes.
- Bend the knee slowly, lower the leg, and repeat. And then switch legs.
Sets: 4
Reps: 20 per side
3. Lateral Walks with Band at Knees

- Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart and a resistance band looped slightly above your kneecaps. Bend the knees slightly and lean forward at the hips. This will be your starting position.
- Take a medium step to one side with your lead leg, then follow it with a little step by your trailing leg, feeling the resistance that the band provides on each step to the side.
Reps: 20 per side
Mistakes and Tips:
Avoid locking out your knees during the exercise. Maintain a slight bend throughout the entire drill.
Keep your hips square throughout the exercise. Avoid letting them rotate as you move side to side.
Your knees should remain lined up over your feet the entire time. Do not let them cave inward during the exercise.
4. Squat with Knee Pulse

- Stand a foot hip-width apart and place the resistance band just above the knees.
- Push your butt back and try to do a deep squat.
- Keeping chest lifted, glutes engaged, and weight equally over both feet, press knees out 1 inch, then back to start position.
Sets: 4
Reps: 20
5. Ring Pulse

First, you need to lie faceup with feet hip-width apart.
Next, place a Pilates ring between thighs and press your hands into the floor, engage your abs and lift hips toward the ceiling into a bridge position.
Keep the hips up while squeezing the ring, bringing legs as close together as possible. Pause, then release the squeeze.
Sets: 4
Reps: 20