|Looking to shed some belly fat and get in shape? You’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll explore 12 effective exercises that you can do right in the comfort of your own home to help you lose belly fat quickly.
Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or just starting your fitness journey, these exercises are designed to target your abdominal muscles and boost your metabolism, helping you achieve that toned and flat belly you’ve always wanted.
So, let’s dive in and discover the secrets to losing belly fat and achieving a healthier, fitter you!
Bicycle crunches.

- Lie on an exercise mat, looking up.
- Place your arms with your hands behind your ears or head.
- You must bend your legs alternately, bringing them closer to the abdomen. Synchronizing the movement of the legs with that of the arms. Bringing the elbow of one hand to the knee of the opposite leg. And vice versa.
- Try to do between 10 and 15 repetitions with each leg.

- Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms at your sides.
- Lower yourself into a squatting position with your hands resting on the floor in front of you.
- Push your legs back to the push-up position and lower your chest to the floor.
- Return to position two, pushing both feet forward to return to the squatting position.
- Jump and raise both hands above your head.
- Do 10 repetitions.
Mountain climber

- For this exercise, you have to get into a high plank position.
- Continue bringing the left knee towards the chest, then you have to bring it to the starting position and then do the same but with the right knee towards the chest, reproducing the appearance of a climbing movement.
- Count up to 30 movements between both legs.
Reverse Lunge with Kick

- Start in a standing position, step back into a reverse lunge, and then bring that same foot forward for a front kick.
- It is important to lean back slightly while kicking forward. This will help you activate your core and increase your range of motion.
- Focus on repeating this exercise with one leg for between 10 and 15 repetitions, and then repeat with the other leg.
Lumberjack or Dumbbell Cut

- Stand with your feet hip-width apart with the weight on your left leg.
- First, start by holding the dumbbell with both hands next to your left shoulder, and then rotate to make a cutting movement towards your right hip.
- Next, he lets your feet and knees pivot with the twist and lifts the weight back toward your left shoulder and repeats for 20 reps.
- Do 20 repetitions on each side.
Boat crunches

- Inhale deeply as you lift your chest up and lift your legs off the ground. Keep your gaze forward to promote body alignment.
- The arms must be parallel to the ground. Legs raised and trunk slightly back.
- Maintain this posture while inhaling and exhaling 10 times.
- Repeat this posture 5 times with 15 seconds of rest between them.
Crab walk

- Sit on the floor and then rise on the palm of your hands and the sole of your feet.
- Move your feet and hands forward for a few steps. Do 12 repetitions.
Knee-to-elbow plank

- First of all, the starting position is a traditional plank position with your forearms on the floor and your body perfectly straight.
- Then bring your left knee toward your left elbow, and then return to the plank position. Next, he repeats bringing the right knee toward the right elbow.
- Do 15 repetitions.
Glute bridge

- Lie face up with your knees bent and feet resting on the floor.
- Raise your hips off the ground so that your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.
- Pause when you are in that position and then slowly lower your body to the ground.
- Do 2 series of 12 seconds.

- Start in a push-up position with your hips centered and your hands placed under your shoulders.
- Take the left foot diagonally towards the right hand and then alternate bringing the right foot towards the left hand. This is a repeat.
- Make sure to keep your glutes and obliques contracted while you do this.
- You must repeat it between 15 and 25 times.
Raise knee to elbow

- With your torso straight and legs apart, raise one knee toward the opposite elbow.
- Then return to the initial position and move with the opposite leg and arm.
- You have to do 15 repetitions on each side.
Sumo squat

- Stand with your feet a little wider than hip-width apart and turn your feet outward.
- Keep your hands together in front of your chest, push your hips down and back into a squat.
- The weight should fall on the heels and the toes should be able to move freely. Make sure to keep your chest up and your back straight.
- Return to standing position and repeat.
- Do 10 repetitions.