4 Ab Exercises That Can Build a Strong Core And Eliminate Lower Belly Fat

It is not surprising that the abdominal fat is the hardest to be removed and in order to get this area into the shape, it requires a clean diet and effective exercising.

In today’s article, we present to you exercises that are considered to be the best and most effective for this area. On the other hand, when it comes to your diet, it doesn’t have to be too extreme but have it in mind that you need to avoid few foods and drink choices. Process foods, sweets, sodas and alcohol are devastating for your abdominal area so it is crucial to avoid them at all times.

The exercises include Oblique Crunch With Elevated Legs, Knee Tucks On Bench, Reverse Crunches On Bench, and Toes-To-Ceiling Hip Raise. These exercises are the key to a lean and sexy stomach.

#1. Oblique Crunch With Elevated Legs


#2. Knee Tucks On Bench


#3. Reverse Crunches On Bench


#4. Toes-To-Ceiling Hip Raise


Source: betterme guru

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