|In today’s sedentary lifestyle, many of us find ourselves spending long hours sitting in chairs, whether it’s at work, during commutes, or while relaxing at home.
Unfortunately, prolonged sitting can contribute to the accumulation of belly fat, which not only affects our appearance but also poses health risks.
The good news is that even while seated, there are simple yet effective ways to combat belly fat and promote a healthier midsection. In this article, we will explore four practical strategies to help you get rid of belly fat while sitting in a chair.
Chair crunches

- Sitting on the edge of the chair with your back straight, hold the sides of the chair with your arms straight and raise your legs.
- Lean back until you feel your base engage (if not, simply lean back a few inches until you are secure and comfortable).
- Extend both legs slowly. Then bend your knees bringing them towards your chest.
- Repeat the movement 15 to 20 times.
Chair squats

- This is a great way to start chair exercises and start with the classic squats. To do this, you must have your back to the chair as if you were going to sit down.
- Put your hands on your waist. She begins to perform the movement of sitting by bending her knees, and sits for a moment.
- Before you sit on the chair, stand up and go to the starting position. Do 2 sets of 15 repetitions.
Chair plank

- Start by placing both forearms on the seat of a chair and stepping back into a plank position.
- Now, raise your right knee to the inside of your left arm, pause for a couple of seconds and repeat with the opposite leg, trying to touch your left knee to the inside of your right arm.
- This alternating movement is 1 repetition. Do 15 to 20 repetitions without any pause.
Backing with chair

- Stand in front of the chair. Then bend over, gripping the back of the chair with one hand and the support of the chair, leaning forward from the waist.
- Transfer your entire body weight to your left heel and lift your right leg by extending it out behind you.
- Now, bring your right knee close to your right shoulder, pausing for a moment and then extending your leg back behind you. This makes 1 repetition.
- Complete 20 repetitions on one side and then switch sides.