4 Yoga Positions To Help Lose Belly Fat
|If you thought that yoga is just about relaxing and calming the mind, you are lying to yourself. This discipline is also very effective for strengthening and shaping the body.
The exercises are not difficult and in time you will get used to each one, and they will walk you both internally and externally.
If you do not want to go to the gym, but still think about the top form in the summer months, it’s time to dedicate yourself to yoga. If you can not perform all the exercises for the first time, do not give up, start with the easier and gradually succeed.
Downward facing dog
Stand on both feet and hands, so that you can lay your hands more forward. Push the hands and the front of the feet toward the floor and lift the hips until your legs are straightened to form an inverted “V” letter. Stay 15 seconds in this position, relax and repeat 5 times.
Boat pose (Navasana)
Resembling the bow pose, the boat pose offers a workout for the belly, back, arms, and legs. Breathe in deeply as you lift your chest upward and raise your feet off the floor.
Keep your gaze forward to encourage alignment in your body. Hold this pose as you inhale and exhale 10 times. Repeat this pose 5 times with 15 seconds of rest in between.
Start by lying on your back with your legs stretched and your arms at your side.

Pontoon Posture (Naukasana)
The pontoon pose focuses on the back and leg muscles which ultimately helps reduce stored fat in the waist.
Start in a lying position on your back with your legs stretched out and your arms down at your side. Inhale as you lift your legs up while stretching your toes and feet. Your legs should remain straight. Form a 45-degree angle with your body by reaching your arms toward your extended legs. Breath normally as you hold the post for 15 seconds.
Release the pose and allow your body to rest for 15 seconds. Repeat the pose 5 times with a rest in between each one.
Wind Easing Posture
The wind easing posture is a great pose for soothing lower back pain, strengthening your core, hips, and thighs. It has even been used to promote healthy pH levels and increase metabolism.
Lying on your back with your legs stretched out with your heels touching each other and your arms at your side. Breathe out as you bend your knees as you move them towards your chest. Hold your knees as you pull them closer into your body
Tighten your thighs and apply pressure on your abdominal muscles as you hold the position. Hold this position for 60-90 seconds as you breathe deliberately and deeply. Breathe out and release the knees as you allow your arms to rest on your side. Repeat this 5 times with a 15-second break between each pose.

Source: Train Hard Team