7 Minute Butt Workout at Home!
|The 7-minute butt workout promises maximum results with time minimal investment. This amazing workout includes 5 exercises and you have to repeat each of the exercises 15 times of each move on each side and complete the circuit as many times as you can for seven minutes, resting for 30 seconds between the series.
With this training you can not use the “No time” utterance, it’s enough to practice five days a week, spend seven minutes with a five-course routine procedure, designed by a certified personal fitness trainer Angela Kathleen.
Start practicing today and, of course, if you have more time, you can repeat exercises 2-3 times.
1. Weighted Squat With Triple Pulse

How to do it:
- You need to take the end of one dumbbell in each hand, the other end balanced on your shoulder.
- Then you need to stand with feet shoulder-width apart and bend your knees, lowering butt until thighs are parallel to the floor.
- Next, you need to pulse up a few inches, then return to your lowest position three times.
- Then you need to extend your legs to return to start, squeezing glutes at the top and that’s one rep.
2. Weighted Side Lunge to Knee Raise

How to do it:
- Just like in the first exercise you need to take the end of one dumbbell in each hand, the other end balanced on your shoulder, and take a large step out to the side with your left foot, so this is your starting position.
- Next, you need to keep the chest high, bend your left knee and sit your hips back to lower into a side lunge, and then press through the left heel for momentum as you bring your left knee up in front of the left hip.
- Then return to starting position to complete one rep and you need to perform all your reps and then repeat on the opposite side.
3. Weighted Single-Leg Deadlift to Lunge

How to do it:
- First, you need to hold one dumbbell in each hand, palms facing your body. And then stand with feet about shoulder-width apart, toes facing forward and keeping the chest high and knees soft.
- You need to balance on the right foot as you bend forward from the waist to lower the dumbbells toward the floor.
- Simultaneously extend the left leg behind you to bring your heel toward the ceiling.
- Then you need to raise your chest and lower your left leg, landing with the left foot a large step ahead of the right one and then bend both knees about 90 degrees to lower into a forward lunge.
- Then keeping the shoulders stacked above the hips the entire time and then press through the front heel to return to a standing position. That’s one rep and you need to perform all your reps, then repeat on the opposite side.
4. Kickback to Hydrant

How to do it:
- Start on all fours with toes pointed.
- Then raise your left knee straight up behind you until you feel the contraction in your glutes — the higher the better and then return to starting position with control, then extend the left knee out to the side.
- You need to come back to your starting position to complete one rep. Then perform all your reps and repeat on the opposite side.
5. Single Leg Hip Thruster

How to do it:
- You need to lie on your back with knees bent, soles of the feet on the floor, arms extended along your sides, and then to extend your right foot straight up toward the ceiling with toes pointed.
- Next, you need to keep your shoulders away from your ears, lift the hips straight up as high as you can, squeeze the glutes at the top, and then lower with control to complete one rep.
- Perform all your reps and then, repeat on the opposite side.