|When it comes to sculpting strong and shapely glutes, squats have long been hailed as the go-to exercise. However, there are several other exercises that can target your glute muscles even more effectively, helping you achieve better results.
In this article, we will explore eight glute exercises that surpass squats in terms of activating and strengthening your glutes. Incorporating these exercises into your workout routine will take your glute gains to the next level.
One-leg deadlift with kettlebell

- First, you must hold a 5 kilo kettlebell in your left hand and lift your right foot slightly off the ground, so this is the starting position.
- Then, keeping your back straight, lean your entire upper body forward. Then lift your right leg and keep your right leg in line with your body. Remember that the kettlebell should be close to the ground.
- And then, with your back straight, return to the starting position. So, at this time a repetition is done. And if you want to make this exercise more challenging, don’t touch the ground with your right leg while doing the reps.
- You have to do 3 sets of 15 repetitions with each leg.
Curtsy Lunges

- First stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands together at chest level, this is the starting position.
- Then, keeping your hips square, cross your left leg behind you. Next, take a step back as you lower your left knee toward the floor, with your right knee directly above your right ankle.
- You must pause for 2 seconds, then press your right heel as you stand up and return to the starting position.
- Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions on each side.
Hydrants with leg extension

- The starting position begins on all fours with knees hip-width apart.
- Then lift your left knee on the left side and extend your left foot straight to the side.
- Next, you must pause for 2 seconds before bending your knee again. And then bring the leg back to the starting position.
- Do 3 sets of 20 repetitions on each side.

- First, you need to stand in front of a bench or chair and place your right foot in the center of the seat, this is the starting position.
- Then get on the bench and bring your left knee forward and up.
- Next, you have to lower yourself back to the starting position, with your foot landing calmly. And then switch legs and repeat to complete one rep.
- You have to do 3 sets of 20 repetitions with each leg.
Plank with leg raises

- Start in a plank position with your shoulders aligned above your wrists and bend both knees slightly, then bend your right knee to 90 degrees.
- Next, with your foot flexed, squeeze your glutes. Next, she lifts her right heel toward the ceiling as high as you can.
- Next, pause for 2 seconds and return your right knee to the starting position.
- You have to do 3 sets of 15 repetitions on each side.
One-leg glute bridge

- In this exercise, start lying on your back, with your knees bent and your feet close to your butt. She stretches one leg and, squeezing her buttocks, lifts her hips and buttocks off the floor.
- Lower your buttocks until they are on the floor, and repeat without touching the floor. Make sure you switch legs.
Donkey kick in a semi circle

- We begin in a position like the first exercise, we extend the left leg with the foot also fully extended.
- We perform some semi-circles, lifting our leg as much as possible at the top of the turn and squeezing the gluteus at that moment.
- We complete the turn by crossing at the end over our supporting leg as seen in the image.
- We perform the exercise for 30 seconds. Then change legs and repeat the exercise.
Sumo squat with dumbbell

- A wider stance will automatically emphasize hamstring and glute work, so stand with your feet one step wider than shoulder width apart and use the weight of a barbell or dumbbell.
- And if you want to make the exercise more difficult, tighten your abs and squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
- Next, you must get up slowly and repeat two sets of 10 squats each.