8 Exercises To Target Your Lower Abs

Well-known traditional basic exercises, such as crunches or bicycle, are great for sculpting the upper abdominal, but they barely touch those annoying lower abdominal muscles, making the toning of this problem on the spot quite a challenge for most of us.

So if you really want to flatten your stomach, you must make sure that you are pressing on every last inch of those hidden muscles and that why we asked a fitness expert and certified personal trainer, Kira Stokes, to show us some of her favourite moves to equalize the lower part of the stomach.

According to her, the key to the successful lower abdomen is the legs and the brain, because whenever you move your legs, you use your lower stomach, and they are associated with the hip flexors.

She says that, unfortunately, most of us feel these exercises mainly in the hip flexor, which can take away the work of the abdominal muscles, not to mention that it is rather unpleasant because the low stomach takes so much mental focus. Therefore placing your brain in the muscle group is crucial, with a constant focus on the lower abdominal muscles and therefore make sure that you feel them engaged in every move.

Also before moving on, you need to make sure that you have a classical plank position down, because many of these moves are based on it, so in order to have a perfect plank position, Stoke tells you to rely on your legs and forearms, shoulders to roll around in the back, to tighten their cheeks, to draw the navel strongly, but be careful not to engage your back, because your whole torso should remain in a straight line.

And if it is now clear and understandable, it’s time to bring your lower abdominal muscles to the perfect shape. All you need to do is follow these 8 exercises, recommended exactly by Kira Stokes (who has a six-pack most can only dream of).

Plank Row

You need to do 10-15 forward and backs (counting forward and back as one) or for 30 seconds.
And follow the instructions shown in the picture below.


You need to do for 30-45 seconds or 10-15 reps.
Just follow the instructions shown in the picture below.

One-Legged Mountain Climber

You need to do 10-15, then switch and do the same on the other side.
Follow the instructions shown in the picture below.

Army Crawl

You need to do this 3-5 times, counting forward and back as one full rep.
You only need to follow the instructions shown in the picture below.


You need to repeat as you hold the c-curve for 60-90 seconds, concentrating on the arm movements the entire time.
Just follow the instructions shown in the picture below.

Hip Tips

You need to do 15-20 controlled reps.
Follow the instructions shown in the picture below.


You need to do 24-30 reps, alternating every time (so 12-15 each side).
You need to follow the instructions shown in the picture below.

Six Pack Scissor

You need to do 12-15 per side, completing all on one side before switching to the other.
Also just follow the instructions shown in the picture below.

Source: Team Fitness Training

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