8 Simple Exercises for a Flat Stomach At Home
|Did you know that in order to achieve a flat stomach the workout process doesn’t have to be complicated? You don’t even need to go to the gym or have fancy equipment. Instead, focus on basic home exercises that put your stomach to work. These moves will tone your tummy by burning fat and building muscle.
Plus, you’ll feel and look great while reducing your risk for chronic disease. Since these workouts are so simple, even beginners can do them.
Did you know that in order to achieve a flat stomach the workout process doesn’t have to be complicated? You don’t even need to go to the gym or have fancy equipment. Instead, focus on basic home exercises that put your stomach to work. These moves will tone your tummy by burning fat and building muscle.
Plus, you’ll feel and look great while reducing your risk for chronic disease. Since these workouts are so simple, even beginners can do them.

- First, you need to lie on the floor. And then hold your hands by your ears rather than behind your head to prevent a neck strain and bend your knees with your feet on the floor.
- Next, lift your shoulders and upper back up and away from the floor with your face pointing toward the ceiling, and then exhale as you come up as far as you can.
- Hold for a second, then inhale as you return to the starting position. You need to repeat 15-25 times. This is an exercise beneficial for your upper abdomen.
Crunch and twist

- This is an exercise for the obliques (also known as the love handles).
- First, you have to lie on the ground. Next, keep your hands by your ears instead of behind your head to avoid neck strain, and bend your knees with your feet on the floor.
Get up slowly and then turn your body from the waist (not your back and shoulders) and try to touch your left knee with your right elbow, then return to the starting position.
Then next time do the opposite side and try to touch your right knee with your left elbow.
You should repeat it on each side 10-15 times.
V crunches

- First, you have to lie on the ground. Then extend your arms above your head. That’s the initial position.
- Next, stand upbringing your arms outstretched and straight towards your legs, which you also raise straight.
- The idea is to support yourself on your buttocks trying to touch (or get as close as possible) with your hands to your feet. Then inhale as you return to the starting position.
- You must repeat it between 15 and 25 times.

- Lie on the floor, face down.
- Position your arms so that your shoulders are directly above your elbows, with your wrists aligned with your elbows in a straight line (see image above).
- Contract your abdominal muscles and glutes (the muscles that make up your buttocks) and hold the position for as long as you can. Gradually lengthen the position holding time.
- Rest about a minute between repetitions.
- Try to resist as long as possible.
Inverted Crunches

- First lie on the floor with your arms by your sides, palms down, and your legs over your hips at 90 degrees.
- The feet must be flexed. Next, lift your hips off the ground using your core muscles as your legs extend toward the ceiling and return to the starting position.
- You have to repeat it 15 times.
Crunch Chop And Crunch Chop Twist

- Start by lying on the floor with your legs elevated and your arms above your head and take a deep breath.
- As you exhale, lift your head and shoulders off the ground. And as you stand up, open your legs so that your arms are between your legs (cut).
- You must repeat this movement for 1 minute.
Side Plank

- This is an exercise that will not only help you get a flat stomach but can also help you get firmer and rounder buttocks.
- First of all, you should lie on your right side with your legs extended and your feet and hips resting on the floor one on top of the other.
- Next, your right elbow should be directly under your shoulder, as per the illustration, then contract your core muscles and lift your hips and knees off the floor.
- You have to hold on as long as you can. And then return to the starting position. Then do the other side and repeat.
Double Leg Raise

- Begin by lying on the floor with your legs elevated and your hands behind your head, and take a deep breath. This is the initial position.
- Slowly lower your legs as far as you can without touching the ground.
- Then raise your legs to the starting position.
- Repeat 10 times.