|Toning your glutes, or buttocks, not only helps you achieve a more sculpted appearance but also contributes to overall strength and stability.
While many people associate glute exercises with complex gym equipment, there are plenty of simple exercises you can do at home to target and tone your glute muscles.
In this article, we will explore eight easy and effective exercises that will help you achieve stronger and more defined glutes.
Instructions for training:
Perform each of the following movements in order for 10-12 repetitions. Do the complete circuit 3 times.
If you’re treating these movements more like stretches, focus on inhaling as you begin each movement and exhale as you finish each movement. Complete 10-12 breaths of each. Do the circuit 1 or 2 times.
Walking gluteal bridge

- Lie on your back with your arms resting at your sides, then bend your legs up with your feet resting on the floor.
- Squeeze your glutes while raising your hips until your body is in line with your shoulders and knees.
- Be aware of your breathing and maintain the position while advancing your right foot a few centimeters. Now, move your left foot forward. Keep moving until you are almost horizontal.
- Then reverse gear, take your left foot back and then your right foot until you are in the original position resting on the ground.
Single Leg Glute Bridge

- Perform single-leg glute bridges by lying on your back with your palms facing down at your sides.
- Extend one leg, squeeze your glutes and push with the other leg.
- Keep your upper back in contact with the ground, raise your hips until your extended leg forms a straight line with your back.
Donkey kick

- Start on all fours on a yoga mat. Make sure your knees are below your hips and your hands are below your shoulders. Place your spine in a neutral position and draw your shoulder blades down and back.
- Inhale.
- Exhale. Keeping your knee bent, release and raise your right leg until your thigh is in line with your spine, making sure your foot remains flexed.
- Inhale. Lower your right leg to return to the starting position, but without resting your knee on the mat.
Fire Hydrant

- Start on all fours, with your knees just below your hips and your hands just below your shoulders.
- Keep your back and neck straight and look forward.
- Keeping your knee bent, lift your right leg out to the side until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Hold the position for a few moments and lower your leg to the starting position.
- When you finish, repeat the exercise on the opposite side.
Chair Back Kick

- Place yourself about 60 cm away from a bench or chair or the edge of a bed.
- Keep your thighs and feet together.
- Lean towards the support object and hold it firmly with both hands. Your torso should be parallel to the ground.
- Now you are going to lift your left leg back until it is parallel to the ground.
- Hold the position for 1 second and return to the starting point, then do the other leg.
Seated hip abduction

- Start sitting on a hip abduction machine or bench with a mini resistance band wrapped above your knees, legs together.
- Keep your knees bent at a 90-degree angle, Squeeze your glutes and press legs against each other.
- Pause and continue squeezing your glutes, then bring your legs together with control to return to the starting position.
Side squats

- Stand a little wider than shoulder width and hands clasped at chest height.
- From that position and, without moving your feet, lean as far as you can to one side.
- Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. That’s a repeat.
- Do 12 to 15 repetitions.
Walking Lunges

- First of all, you must stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your hands at chest height.
- Next, he steps forward with one leg and bends his knees until his back knee almost touches the ground.
- Return to the initial position having advanced that step you have taken forward.
- Next, do the same with the other leg. Always moving forward.