9 Yummy Stretches to Soothe Muscles After a Whole Day of Sitting
|Sitting for long periods of time, especially with poor posture, makes your hip flexors tight, which causes the glutes to lengthen to compensate.
Many people spend the majority of their day sitting. They sit in the car or bus while they are going to work, and then they sit at work. Unfortunately, most people spend the entire day sitting.
In today’s article, we would like to show you nine easy stretching moves you may add to your workout routine in order to relax your muscles, improve flexibility and prevent muscle tightness.
Also when every time you notice that you are slouching forward, try to take a moment to twist your shoulders and take a deep breath, and then, when you select the workout, do this and look at the difference, so first we recommend that you start selecting 3, and then progressing to make everyone, and once you do this, I guarantee that you will feel like spending a day in a spa.
Forward Fold with Clasp:

How to do it:
First, you need to stand, then clasp hands behind your back and take a big inhale to open the chest and then on exhale, soften your knees and fold forward.
Next letting head falls toward the ground and gently release neck and if you feel comfortable, you need to bend one knee and then the other, getting more into your shoulders.
You need to stay here for 5 deep breaths.

How to do it:
First, you need to begin on hands and knees and then to hold opposite elbows to get the shoulder’s distance.
And then place forearms parallel to one another and next you need to drop your head and reach your chest back through your arms in the direction of your feet to enhance shoulder opening.
You also need to stay here for 5 deep breaths.
Reverse Prayer:

How to do it:
First, you need to sit comfortably.
Then you need to float arms down to either side of the body and, bending elbows, reach arms behind the back and next press palms together in a prayer position on the spine.
And then you need to reach your hands as high up the spine as feels good and stay here for 5 deep breaths.

How to do it:
Hug your left knee to the chest and then bend your right knee and cross the left leg around the right leg.
You need to hook the left foot on either side of the right leg and then wrap the right arm under the right arm.
Next, you need to sit down as low as you can. And then lift up through arms to stay balanced, reaching elbows and fingertips up and away from face and you need to stay here for 5 long, deep breaths.
Next, you need to unwind and repeat on another side.

How to do:
First, you need to lie face-down. Then bend knees and grab ankles and next you need to press feet into your hands.
And you need to keep your knees hip-width apart and lift your chest off the ground and then stay here for 5 deep breaths.
Cow Face:

How to do it:
First, you need to kneel and reach your right arm to the ceiling and then bend your right elbow and allow the right hand to fall between shoulder blades.
Then you need to take a left hand to the right elbow. And next to allow the weight of the hand to deepen the shoulder opening (no pushing!).
But, if this is easy for you, bring your left arm down. Also, bend the elbow and reach your left hand up the center of your back, taking hold of the right hand. Then you need to lean back slightly into your arms.
And taking care that right arm isn’t putting any pressure on the neck and also stay here for 5 deep breaths.
Thread the Needle:

How to do it:
To start you need to begin on all fours and then reach the right arm underneath the body, allowing the right shoulder and temple to release to the ground.
Next, you need to allow your left hand to stay where it is, or crawl it a bit to the right over to your head and to stay here for 5 deep breaths. And then repeat on another side.

How to do it:
First, you need to lie face-down on the stomach and lift the torso.
And then thread right arm underneath left at shoulder height, about a 90-degree angle away from the body and you need to reach left arm the opposite direction (again, about 90-degree angle away from torso).
Then next you need to hook chin over shoulders and walk fingers away from one another to lengthen arms. Breathe here for 5 deep breaths and then repeat on another side.

How to do it:
So, you need to lie face-down on the stomach and to reach a left arm out at a 90-degree angle from the body with your palm facing up.
Then you need to use the right hand under the right shoulder to start to press away, bending the right knee and if comfortable, reaching your left toes behind the left knee as you rotate the body.
Next, you need to reach your right arm to the ceiling, flex your palm. And then you need to allow the hand to fall toward the ground with gravity and stay there for as long as you like.
But, if there’s enough space, you need to allow the right hand to meet the left in a clasp and breathe there for as long as feels good.
(Warning: Because this is a deep one, you need to come out of the pose as slowly and mindfully as you came in!)