Getting in shape quickly is a common goal for many individuals looking to improve their overall fitness levels. While there is no shortcut to long-term health and well-being, certain workout strategies can help you achieve noticeable results in a shorter period. In this article, we will explore workout exercises that can accelerate your fitness journey, helping you get in shape quickly and efficiently.

There are several beginner exercises that can help you shed fat and keep your body fit and strong. Here are seven of them:

Exercise 1: Leg Flap

  • Lie on your back with your head and back relaxed on the floor and your arms behind your head.
  • Then squeeze your abs and keep your legs straight and raised about 15 centimeters off the ground and then you have to start the movement by lifting your left leg as high as you can. And then you have to lower it while raising your right leg. You should do it quickly, with a scissor movement.
  • Each movement of the two legs is considered a repetition.
  • Repeat 15 times.

Exercise 2: Planks

  • Lie on the floor, face down.
  • Place your arms so that your shoulders are directly over your elbows, with your wrists aligned with your elbows in a straight line (see image above).
  • Contract your abdominal muscles and buttocks (the muscles that make up your buttocks) and hold the position as long as you can. Gradually prolongs the position maintenance time.
  • Rest about a minute between repetitions.
  • Try to resist as long as possible.

Exercise 3: Bicycle Abs

  • Lie on an exercise mat, looking up.
  • Place your arms with your hands behind your ears or head.
  • You should bend your legs alternately, bringing them closer to the abdomen. Synchronizing the movement of the legs with that of the arms. Bringing the elbow of one hand to the knee of the opposite leg. And vice versa.
  • Try to do 10 to 15 repetitions with each leg.

Exercise 4: Mountain Climber

  • For this exercise, you have to put yourself in a high plank position.
  • Continue bringing the left knee towards the chest, then you have to bring it to the starting position and then do the same but with the right knee towards the chest, reproducing the appearance of a climbing movement.
  • Count up to 30 movements between the two legs.

Exercise 5: Leg Scissors

  • Lie on your back on the floor. Put your arms at the sides of your body, palms facing the floor.
  • Lift your legs a few centimeters keeping them straight.
  • Move your right leg to the left and vice versa, causing your feet to cross. That’s a repetition.
  • Perform between 10 and 15 repetitions.

Exercise 6: Russian Twist

  • Lie on your back on the floor. Put your arms at the sides of your body, palms facing the floor.
  • Lift your legs a few centimeters keeping them straight.
  • Move your right leg to the left and vice versa, causing your feet to cross. That’s a repetition.
  • Perform between 10 and 15 repetitions.

Exercise 7: Burpees

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your arms at your sides.
  • Go down to the squatting position with your hands resting on the floor in front of you.
  • Push your legs back to the bending position and lower your chest to the floor.
  • Return to position two, pushing both feet forward to return to the squatting position.
  • Jump up and raise both hands above your head.
  • Do 10 repetitions.