4-Week At-Home Workout Plan For Busy Mothers With No Time For The Gym
|Although you may find that exercise is the last thing you want to do after birth, here are some reasons why you might change your mind.
Exercise can:
• repair your mood by secreting the endorphin “hormone of happiness” in your body,
• It will help you lose the extra pounds you have received in pregnancy (with proper diet) and you will tighten the loose skin,
• protect you from injuries and pain,
• Increases your energy,
• It will strengthen your abdominal muscles and your heart and will
• make it more durable for the challenges ahead.
So that you become a mother is the greatest thing, but along with the anticipated joy comes a real part of the problems, because while you care about your newborn, you sometimes forget about yourself. But do not worry there is nothing wrong with that, all mothers go through the phase, so what we are trying to do is help you with a simple but effective routine training for busy mothers.
The training we have in mind will suit the mother’s lifestyle because it does not take much time and brings a dramatic result and all you need to do is dedicate a few minutes a day to the routine, and in just four weeks you will be in perfect shape and although you may at first find it very difficult to set aside time for exercise, all you need to do is persist.
This training is designed in such a way that regardless of the busy plan, you still have time to relax, and that is the part that makes this routine even better, but it should also be kept in mind that not only your baby needs а proper nutrition, but you also need it. Therefore, once you combine this training with a healthy diet, with this four-week routine, you will get results faster, and everyone around you will surely envy you on your figure, all you need is a little effort and, of course, will and persistence.
You need to do these exercises after this schedule:
– 10 Squat Jumps
– 30 Second Plank
– 15 Russian Twists
– 35 Jumping Jacks
– 45 Lunge Kicks
– 25 Second Wall Sit
– 40 Side Crunches
– 20 Second High Knees
– 5 Push Ups
– 15 Second High Knees
– 5 Squat Jumps
– 20 Russian Twists
– 45 Second Plank
– 30 Second Wall Sit
– 10 Push Ups
– 35 Lunge Kicks
– 25 Jumping Jacks
– 40 Side Crunches
– 30 Second Wall Sit
– 45 Side Crunches
– 25 Second Plank
– 5 Lunge Kicks
– 20 Russian Twists
– 35 Jumping Jacks
– 15 Push Ups
– 40 Second High Knees
– 10 Squat Jumps
– 5 Squat Jumps
– 30 Russian Twists
– 10 Push Ups
– 25 Second Wall Sit
– 15 Lunge Kicks
– 45 Side Crunches
– 40 Second High Knees
– 35 Jumping Jacks
– 20 Second Plank
– 20 Russian Twists
– 35 Second Wall Sit
– 10 Side Crunches
– 30 Second Plank
– 40 Squat Jumps
– 45 Lunge Kicks
– 15 Push Ups
– 25 Second High Knees
– 5 Jumping Jacks
Source: Fitness Team Training