Top 5 Exercises to Get a Thigh Gap

The following are the top 5 supermodel exercises to get that luscious thigh gap.

Exercise 1. Plie Squats


To do this exercise first your feet should be placed wider than shoulder-width apart and your toes should be pointed outward and then you need to bring your hands in front of you and lower down into a squat. Next, you need to go as low into the squat as you can and make sure you keep your knees above your toes and then also make sure to push up from your entire foot, the balls of your feet and your heels. Remember to don’t round your shoulders and to keep your back straight and keep your core tight, because it is important to always exhale when you are contracting the muscles, so you need to make sure to inhale as you go down and exhale on the way up. You need to do as many reps as you can for about one minute.

Exercise 2. Pilates Leg Lifts


Lie down on a side bend your right leg and hold your head your head with your right arm. Streight up your left leg and lift it up as much as you can. Lower back your leg without touching the floor and repeat the process. After you finish repeat the exercise on the opposite side.

Exercise 3. Bridge Raises


This exercise is essential for healthy elbows, as it helps control the movement of the knees, preventing them from crashing inward, but they form the basis for strong knees because weak or inactive stupid can cause all knee problems. This exercise also works to strengthen your mice, hamstring, and abs, while minimally does not press on your knees.

Exercise 5. Lateral Lunge


For this exercise, you need to hold a dumbbell in each hand. Then you need to stand with your core braced and your feet hip-width apart. Next, you need to take one step to the right, lowering your right knee until it forms a 90-degree angle to the floor, and the dumbbells are near your right ankle and then push up with your right foot and return to the starting position. You need to repeat on the left side for 1 rep.

For best results to get a thigh gap:

As mentioned before, genetics aside, the only way to get a thigh gap is to get rid of the layer of fat on your inner thighs. Getting rid of fat is nothing more than a combination of lifestyle, diet, and exercise. So combine this routine with a proper diet and exercise regimen to get that thigh gap!

Source: Female Fit Body

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