Best Outer Thigh Exercises For Beautiful Legs
|In everyday life, we do not pay any attention to the inner thighs, and most often these exercises are neglected. Therefore, even in super thin people, this part of the body may be the most problematic zone. To get rid of the fatty acids and tighten the inner and outer of the thighs, you should do regular exercises.
These exercises will help you shape both the outer and the inner thighs, especially if you stick to a healthy eating plan and continue with a vigorous cardio routine.
1.Side Lunges
This exercise directs all the muscles to the lower part of the body and hence helps to get rid of the fats stored in the lower body, as this, in turn, helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite on the thighs. You can also, after feeling comfortable doing this exercise to add weights to be more challenging.
2. Standing Stretch Using a Band
Take an exercise band and stand right in the middle of the band with each end grabbed tightly in hands. Stretch your leg to your side in a slow, controlled motion. Repeat the same with the other leg.
3.The Single-Leg Circle
Lie on the floor with hands by your sides and palms facing down. Lift your right foot up as if you’re trying to touch the ceiling. Rotate your leg in an outward directly and slowly use your raised leg to tract a circle on the ceiling. Keep your hips steady and repeat the circular motion five times in a clockwise and then in a counter-clockwise direction. Repeat with your other leg.
4.Sumo Squats
You will have to perform 20 repetitions of the exercise;
Start the exercise by standing on both your feet, so that the same will be on a wider distance. Curl the knees until the thighs get into a parallel position with the ground. Bring the body weight into your foot rear areas;
Start moving towards down so that the leg will rectify completely. In order to take full advantage of the exercise, press the glutes at the highest point of the movement; Do at least 3 sets.

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5.Leg Raise
To do this exercise you need to lie on your right side and then prop yourself on your hand and next you need to bend your left leg. And then you need to put it firmly on the floor in front of you, keeping it still with your left hand.
Then next you need to slowly raise and lower your right leg without sharp or high movements and then repeat this set for your other leg as well.
6.Single-Leg Hip Raise
To start this exercise first you need to begin on the floor, on your back, with your right knee bent. And then left leg resting straight on the floor and keeping your left leg straight, raise it up to a 45-degree angle so that it is in line with your right thigh.
Next, you need to allow your arms to relax on the floor out from your sides and then brace your core muscles, press your right heel into the floor, and raise your hips up. And then your hips should end at the height that is a straight line from your shoulders through your hips, thighs, and foot and you need to pause for two seconds and then lower back to the floor and that’s one rep. So, you need to repeat this movement for a total of 15 reps and then, switch sides and complete all reps on the other leg and then continue alternating legs for a total of three sets, with no rest in between sets.
7.Resistance Band Clamshell
You need to lie on your left side with your left arm under your head for support and then to rest your other hand on your hip and bend your knees to a 45-degree angle. Next, you need to place above mini-band above your knees and then keeping your feet together and then you need to tighten your abs and spread your knees as far apart as possible.
8.Fire Hydrant
First, you need to start in the same position as the donkey kick but open your right leg towards the side. And also you need to opening your hips and keeping your right thigh parallel to the floor and then you need to resist the urge to touch your knee to the floor as you bring your knee back to its original position. So, you need to repeat the movement 15 times on each leg and perform 3 sets.
9.Squeeze and Lift
You will need a small exercise ball and place it between your ankles – using a weighted ball will work even better. Lie down with your left arm used to support your head. Slowly bend your top arm while pushing the floor with your hand to maintain your balance. Now, squeeze the ball using your inner thighs. While squeezing the ball lift your legs off the ground by pressing your bottom leg up. Hold the position for a few seconds and repeat with your other side.
10.Cardio for Thighs
Along with doing abovementioned inner and outer thigh exercises, you should include cardio exercises in your fitness program to lose excess fat. You can start with running or cycling, but anything like stair climbing, swimming, or kickboxing will work just fine.
Source: Train Hard Team