|Struggling with lower belly fat can be frustrating, but the good news is that you can tackle it from the comfort of your own home. With a dedicated workout routine and a healthy lifestyle, you can shed those stubborn pounds and sculpt your midsection.
In this article, we will guide you through an effective home workout specifically designed to target lower belly fat.
So, let’s get started on your journey towards a toned and trim waistline!
Oblique bench presses (15 repetitions on each side)

- First of all, you must keep your thighs vertical with your knees on the bench (or a chair).
- Next, lift your shoulders off the ground. Next, he turns his torso to the right trying to touch his right knee with his right elbow.
- Then he repeats on the opposite side.
Sit-ups with knees on the chest (15 repetitions)

- First, lean on the bench (or the floor) so that you only touch your butt.
- And then balance with your hands and bring your knees towards your chest.
Reverse crunch (15 repetitions)

- The first step is to lie on the bench (or floor) with your knees bent and your toes touching the bench (floor).
- Next, grab the bench with your hands at head height for support and then you have to keep your shoulders fixed throughout the movement.
- And then, bring your knees towards your chest while engaging all your core muscles and allowing your feet to lightly touch the bench on the downward movement.
Hip raise (15 repetitions)

- First of all, you must lie down on the bench. Next, hold the bench with your hands for balance.
- Next, raise your hips as high as you can while keeping them straight and then your hips should be off the bench and your shoulders fixed.