We Should All Know These 7 Things About Our Blood Type!

There are four blood type categories that the human body can have. Each blood type tells a story of their ancestry, also what foods are the best for you and even what exercises you should do.

These four principal types are: A (Agrarian), B (Bavarian), O (Original hunter) and AB, which is a modern blood group and it has the best immune system.
However, there are also 400 sub categories for blood types. They can determine the individual health profile, it is also important to note that these aspects will refine one’s directional compass.

Foods that benefit your blood type:
Blood type A: Vegetarian foods are best fitted to this group. Other foods that they can consume are fish, chicken, and yogurt. Avoid spicy foods, coffee, legumes, and dehydration.
Blood type B: Foods that are best suited for this blood group are, vegetables, fish, mutton, dairy, tea, and grains. Avoid excessive noise, alcohol, preservatives.
Blood type O: Vegetables, meat, fish. Avoid processed foods, dairy, over-eating.
Blood type AB: These people can digest anything, however, it is recommended for them to consume organic, fresh live foods.


Blood type and personality:
Blood type A: organized, efficient, leaders, compassionate
Blood type B: action oriented, friendly, flexible, meditative
Blood type O: assertive, empathetic, attentive, practical
Blood type AB: forward thinking, rational, calm, strong

Blood type and stress:
Blood type A: Highly susceptible to high cortisol, they need plenty of time to recover from stress. It is recommended for this group to consume water when they are under stress
Blood type B: Most of the time they are calm, however, they have a tipping point where they can reach high levels of cortisol. When people from this group are under stress, breathing deeply can help.
Blood type O: Because of the primordial ancestry these people are susceptible to an outburst of anger. Visualizing peaceful moments can help.
Blood type AB: They handle stress very well, at worst they can feel frustrated. Walking for these people can help to release tension.
Blood type and fat:
Blood type A: accumulates more fat from sugars and meats
Blood type B: mostly from fried foods and bread
Blood type O: They mostly gain, excessive weight from irregular eating
Blood type AB: The most common factor for this group is inactive



Blood type and Mate:
RH Factor is secondary important blood group system. It consists of 50 defined blood-group antigens, of which D, C, c, E, e are the five most important. In other words: RH Factor, RH Positive, RH Negative which refers to the D antigen only.

RH positive has the D antigen and RH negative does not have the D antigen.

In pregnancy, the RH factor can cause complications such as:
– Breakdown of red blood cells, which is called Hemolytic Disease
– Production of immature red blood cells in the fetus, known as Erythroblastosis Fetalis

Such situation can occur when the father’s blood type is incompatible with one of the mothers (Father RH-positive and mother RH-negative).

Thanks to modern medicine the mother receives an injection called RhoGAm or Rho (D) which practically solves this problem.

Blood types and transfusions:

Plasma compatibility
– AB can only receive plasma from AB and is the universal plasma donor to any blood group.
– A can receive from A and AB, but can only donate to A and O.
– B can receive from B and AB, but can only donate to B and O.
– O is the universal plasma receiver, but can only donate plasma to O.
– Type O plasma containing both anti-A and anti-B antibodies can only be given to O recipients. Conversely, AB plasma can be given to patients of any ABO blood group, due to not contain any anti-A or anti-B antibodies.

Blood type compatibilities
AB is the universal blood type receiver, but can only donate to AB.
A can receive blood type from A or O and can donate to A or AB.
B can receive blood type from B or O and can donate to B or AB.
O can only receive from blood type O and is the universal blood donor type.
Individuals with type O RH D negative blood type are often called universal donors, and those with type AB RH D positive are called universal recipients.

For more information regarding your blood type watch the video below and enhance your health.


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Source: Natural Cures House

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