How Long You Should Hold a Plank Pose To Flatten The Belly

If you are looking for an efficient, short training to get in shape and save time, it’s time to stop looking, because all you have to do is hold a plank. In fact, a plank is a great exercise that can help you tone and strengthen your body, burn more fat and flatten your stomach.

And yet, despite the fact that planking is very useful for your body, it’s not easy to understand how long you should keep it, but fortunately, fitness experts are here to inform you, so in this article, we would want to tell you how long a plank should hold to level your stomach, and by keeping the plank regularly, your waist will become thinner.


How long will you actually need to hold a plank to see the results, for that D.S., who is a personal trainer in New York, claims that in order to achieve great results, it’s important to hold three planks for up to sixty seconds.


But if you are a beginner, you need to be careful and try to prevent injuries, so it’s normal to start with a few seconds on a plank and work for sixty seconds, but you do not have to get hold of a plank longer than you can, because it can hurt the lower back.


But if the sixty seconds is too difficult for you, you can start with ten seconds, then relax for ten seconds and hold the plank for another ten seconds. And to see the progress, repeat this set three to five times a day. But do not think that ten seconds on a plank is pointless, actually, planking to shorter periods of time is an effective training that can help you build strength.

But while you are advanced and if you have one plank that you hold in a minute is very easy for you, fitness experts recommend increasing your difficulty by tightening your stomach, glutes and quads and of course you can hold a plank for two minutes or more.

Source: Train Hard Team

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