|Belly fat can be stubborn and challenging to get rid of, but with dedication and the right approach, it is possible to achieve a flatter and more toned midsection.
In this article, we present a 28-day challenge designed to help you eliminate belly fat and achieve your desired results.
By combining a healthy diet, regular exercise, and lifestyle changes, you can kick-start your journey towards a slimmer waistline and improved overall health.
Although this challenge has only been going on for a month, you should continue to incorporate exercises into your daily routine once you’ve completed the challenge. This will give you a jump start into a healthier routine and lifestyle, but you should work to maintain it once the 28 days are up in order to maintain your strength and stamina. This is the plan for the 28 day challenge:
Day 1 – 20 sec.
Day 2 – 20 sec.
Day 3 – 30 sec.
Day 4 – 30 sec.
Day 5 – 40 sec.
Day 6 – rest
Day 7 – 45 sec.
Day 8 – 45 sec.
Day 9 – 60 sec.
Day 10 – 60 sec.
Day 11 – 60 sec.
Day 12 – 90 sec.
Day 13 – rest
Day 14 – 90 sec.
Day 15 – 90 sec.
Day 16 – 120 sec.
Day 17 – 120 sec.
Day 18 – 150 sec.
Day 19 – rest
Day 20 – 150 sec.
Day 21 – 150 sec.
Day 22 – 180 sec.
Day 23 – 180 sec.
Day 24 – 210 sec.
Day 25 – rest
Day 26 – 210 sec.
Day 27 – 240 sec.
Day 28 – As long as you can.
To do the plank safely and effectively, be sure to keep your abdominal muscles tight, shoulders aligned directly over your elbows, neck and spine neutral, shoulders down and back, and just your toes, forearms and hands touching the ground. You should not slouch, arch your back, lift your head, or move your neck and spine out of alignment.

- Start by positioning yourself on the floor, face down. Place your forearms on the ground, ensuring that your elbows are directly under your shoulders. Your arms should be parallel to your body, with your palms flat on the floor.
- Extend your legs straight behind you, resting on the balls of your feet. Your toes should be flexed, and your body should form a straight line from your head to your heels.
- Engage your core muscles by drawing your navel towards your spine. This will help stabilize your body throughout the exercise.
- Keep your neck in a neutral position, looking down at the floor to avoid straining your neck or arching your back.
- Hold this position for as long as you can, aiming for at least 30 seconds to start. As you progress, gradually increase the duration of your plank.
- Remember to breathe steadily throughout the exercise. Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
- To release the plank, gently lower your knees to the ground and rest in a kneeling position.