|Reducing belly fat and achieving a toned midsection is a common fitness goal for many individuals. While spot reduction is not possible, incorporating specific exercises that target the abdominal muscles can help strengthen and tone the core while contributing to overall fat loss.
In this article, we will explore the top three abs exercises that can help you reduce belly fat quickly and achieve a flatter, more defined stomach.
Seated V Crunches

- First you have to lie down on the ground. Next extend your arms towards your thighs. Raise your legs a few centimeters and sit up a little. That’s the initial position.
- Next, stand up, bringing the heels of your feet towards you, while your body also moves towards your knees.
- The idea is to lean on your buttocks trying to touch (or get as close as possible) to your chest with your legs. Then inhale as you return to the starting position.
- You must repeat it between 15 and 25 times.
Sit-ups with medicine ball

- Medicine ball exercises are some of the most effective for working the trunk in a very short time. Lie down, with your legs stretched.
- Hold a medicine ball above your head. Raise your legs, keeping them as straight as possible while bringing the medicine ball towards them.
- Lower slowly and repeat. If you find it difficult at first, bend your knees toward your chest instead of keeping your legs straight.
- Perform 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

- Lie on the floor, face down.
- Place your arms so that your shoulders are directly over your elbows, with your wrists aligned with your elbows in a straight line (see image above).
- Contract your abdominal muscles and glutes (the muscles that make up your buttocks) and hold the position for as long as you can. Gradually prolongs position holding time.
- Rest approximately one minute between repetitions.
- Try to resist as long as possible.