Top 5 Exercises To Tone And Shape Your Butt
|It’s no secret that Brazilians are curvy in all the right places. This Brazilian workout routine focuses on high-intensity exercises designed specifically to lift, shape and firm your booty.
Add these exercises into your workout routine to get that bootylicious backside you’ve always wanted. (Scroll down for the infographic to see how its done).
Sumo Squats
Because a wider stance will automatically emphasize hamstring and glute work, so you need to stand with your feet a step more than shoulder width apart and then you need to utilize the weight of a barbell or dumbbells. And if you want to make the exercise more difficult, tighten your abs and squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Next, you need to slowly stand back up and then you need to repeat for two sets of 10 squats each.
To start exercise first you need to begin with your feet facing forward at shoulder width apart and squat down until your thighs are parallel with the floor and then you need to tighten your core for balance. What you need to do is to place your right hand lightly on the ground and take a large step backward with your left foot, so that you are in a low lunge. Next, you need to hold the pose for two seconds and then stand back up and practice the other side. And then continue alternating for ten lunges.
Explosive Lunge
First, you need to start in a typical lunge pose, with your right foot forward and bent 90 degrees at the knee and your left foot extended behind your body and then you need to tighten your core and propel yourself upwards with your right foot so that you are jumping in the air. Next, you need to switch feet mid-jump and land in a lunge, with your left foot forward and then you need to repeat for two sets of 5 reps each.
This exercise is a high-intensity exercise, but it also gets results quickly. That’s why while it is great to practice once or twice a week, be sure to keep your routine within personal limits.

Squat with Kickback
You need to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your entire body facing forward and then you need to squat down with your weight on your heels until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Next, you need to tighten your core for balance, swing your right leg back at the hips and straighten your knee, so that you are balancing on your left foot and then you need to hold the position for a second and then resume squatting position. So, repeat with the right leg for ten reps and then you need to switch legs.
Romanian Dumbbell Lift
To start this exercise first you need to stand straight, holding a dumbbell in your left hand, with your feet at shoulder width apart and then you need to lift your right leg up and back with your knee straight. And then you need to lean your torso forward, until your torso and right leg forms a straight line and is parallel to the floor. Next, you need to feel the tension in your right hamstring and glute, and when you do, swing your leg back down and stand back straight up and then next you need to repeat with each leg 10 times.

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Source: Train Hard Team