|Are you looking to transform your body and achieve noticeable results in just four weeks? It may sound too good to be true, but with the right combination of exercises and dedication, it’s absolutely possible.
In this article, we present five simple yet highly effective exercises that can help you achieve your fitness goals and transform your body in just four weeks.
So, let’s dive into this comprehensive workout routine and start your journey towards a fitter, stronger, and healthier you!
Try this 4-week exercise plan:
It is an incredible plan that consists of 2 different core workouts:
1st Training
Plank – 1 minute.
Push-ups – 1 minute.
Squats – 2 minutes.
Dog-bird plank – 1 minute.
Glute raises – 1 minute.
Plank – 1 minute.
Push-ups – 1 minute.
Squats – 2 minutes.
Take 10 second breaks between each one.
2nd Training
Plank – 3 minutes.
Dog-bird plank – 3 minutes.
Glute raises – 3 minutes.
Push-ups – 1 minute.
Take 15 second breaks between each one.
As you can see, you should have a rest day after the 6-day training plan.
First week
Day 1 – First training
Day 2 – Second training
Day 3 – First training
Day 4 – Second training
Day 5 – First training
Day 6 – Second training
Day 7 – rest
Second week
Day 1 – Second training
Day 2 – First training
Day 3 – Second training
Day 4 – First training
Day 5 – Second training
Day 6 – First training
7th day – rest
Third week
Day 1 – First training
Day 2 – First training
Day 3 – Second training
Day 4 – Second training
Day 5 – First training
Day 6 – First training
Day 7 – rest
Fourth week
Day 1 – Second training
Day 2 – Second training
Day 3 – First training
Day 4 – First training
Day 5 – Second training
Day 6 – Second training
Day 7 – rest
Exercise 1: Plank

- Lie on the floor, face down.
- Place your arms so that your shoulders are directly over your elbows, with your wrists aligned with your elbows in a straight line (see image above).
- Contract your abdominal muscles and glutes (the muscles that make up your buttocks) and hold the position for as long as you can. Gradually prolongs position holding time.
- Rest approximately one minute between repetitions.
- Try to resist as long as possible.
Exercise 2: Push-ups

- Start on all fours with your hands on the floor, slightly wider than vertically with your shoulders, but in line with them.
- The body should form a straight line from the shoulders to the ankles.
- Tighten your abs as much as possible and keep them tight.
- Lower your body until your chest almost touches the floor, making sure your elbows are tucked close to your torso.
- Pause and return to the starting position.
- Do 20 repetitions.
Exercise 3: Squats

- Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart and your chest raised.
- Extend your hands in front to help maintain balance.
- Start by sitting down and then get up as if you were sitting in an imaginary chair. Keep your face and head facing forward.
- Lower your body down, so that your thighs are parallel to the ground. Put all your weight on your heels. Keep your body tense and push your body up through your heels to return to the starting position.
- Do 12 repetitions.
Exercise 4: Dog-bird plank

- Start in a table position (on all fours).
- Looking at the ground with his neck in a neutral position, he extends his right leg behind him and his left arm in front (both should be parallel to the ground).
- Hold the position for a few seconds and return to the initial position.
- Do the movement with the opposite leg and arm.
- Do 12 repetitions on each side.
Exercise 5: Glute Raises

- Start lying face up with your legs towards the ceiling. Keep your hands on the floor.
- Next she squeezes her stomach and lifts her hips (buttocks) off the ground, and then lowers her hips with control.
- Repeat this exercise 10 to 15 times and do three sets.