|When it comes to finding a simple yet effective exercise that can be done anywhere, jumping jacks often come to mind. This classic exercise, reminiscent of childhood play, is not only fun but also packs a surprising punch when it comes to fitness benefits.
In this article, we will explore the simplicity and effectiveness of jumping jacks, highlighting why they deserve a place in your workout routine.
Jumping jacks are a high-impact activity. On the one hand, this impact causes a bone microfracture that promotes growth and, therefore, increases bone density and strengthens bones over time.
Correct execution

- The standard jumping jack begins standing with your feet almost together, hip-width apart, and your arms hanging relaxed at your sides.
- Then, pushing off with the soles of your feet, you jump and your feet break contact with the ground with your legs moving to the sides while your arms are raised straight in an arc to meet above your head while your feet land simultaneously at a distance not less than that of the shoulders.
- When you return to the starting position, one repetition is completed.

Jumps can be made more intense by increasing the speed of each repetition. Make sure you can maintain control, balance and coordination at low speed before jumping higher or faster. If you can’t stay coordinated, slow down.